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past events

Global Outlook Masterclass with Robert Peston

Robert Peston hosts this Masterclass discussing inflation, bond yields, China's economy crash and Artificial Intelligence with a panel of experts.

Speakers are:

  • Chris Iggo, CIO of AXA IM Core and Chair of the AXA IM Investment Institute, AXA IM
  • Fabiana Fedeli, CIO of Equities, Multi Asset and Sustainability, M&G Investments
  • Richard Carlyle, Equity Investment Director and Portfolio Strategy Manager, Capital Group

Topics being discussed will include:

  • How higher rates and inflation are impacting on mainstream equity and bond market returns
  • How globalisation is being reshaped and managed in the light of US-China relations
  • AI – what are investors focusing on and why

Watch the replay


The age of AI and its long-term investment potential

How is the recent rise of artificial intelligence impacting the world and the global economy? In this article, we discuss the long-term investment opportunities in technology.

Read the article


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    Risk Warning

    The value of investments, and the income from them, can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.