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Global Technology

At the heart of this evolution are innovative companies driving change across the entire economy – including how we work, shop, build relationships and find information.

Why invest in technology?

We are increasingly dependent on technology in our everyday lives, with new developments such as 5G only reinforcing this trend. For investors, the growth of technology and its adoption by consumers, businesses and governments can offer attractive opportunities for growth, particularly with growth in short supply elsewhere.

We believe investors can benefit from a number of technological trends over the coming decades, including the rise of cloud computing, the internet of things and nascent developments such as autonomous vehicles. The rise of technology can lead to innovative new business models, bring benefits to investors prepared to back unconventional ideas.

To access technological opportunities, we take an active, long-term approach, investing in companies which have strong tailwinds and long runways for future growth.

Who is AXA Framlington Global Technology Fund for?


Investors wanting to invest in companies exposed to new technologies with their potential for higher returns over the long term


Investors targeting exposure to innovative technology companies with potential for long-term profitability and growth


Investors looking for portfolio diversification


The AXA Framlington Global Technology Fund

The AXA Framlington Global Technology Fund is an unconstrained multi-cap strategy that seeks capital growth through investment in equities, with a focus on growth companies around the world focused on the research, design and development new technologies.

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Why invest in technology with AXA IM?

We take an active, long-term approach to investing in technology at AXA IM. Technological concepts take longer to reach mass distribution but can address much bigger markets than expected at the conceptual stage.

Technological breakthroughs have often unanticipated across time, from the belief that the world would only ever need a handful number of computers, to expectations that the iPhone would fail to take off. For investors, this can create exciting opportunities to invest in new ideas whose impact can be underappreciated.

At AXA IM, we have an established track record of investing in technology and leveraging our long-term focus. The AXA Framlington Global Technology Fund is managed by James Dowey and Matthew Ward (both dedicated Technology portfolio managers).

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Risk factors

The capital of the Fund is not guaranteed. The Fund is invested in financial markets and uses techniques and instruments which may be subject to sudden and significant variation, which may result in substantial gains or losses.

  • Single Sector Risk: As this Fund is invested in a single sector, the Fund’s value will be more closely aligned with the performance of that sector and it may be subject to greater fluctuations in value than more diversified funds.
  • Currency Risk: The Fund holds investments denominated in currencies other than the base currency of the Fund. As a result, exchange rate movements may cause the value of investments (and any income received from them) to fall or rise affecting the Fund’s value.

Further explanation of the risks associated with an investment in this Fund can be found in the prospectus.


    Not for Retail distribution - This document is intended exclusively for Professional, Institutional, Qualified or Wholesale Investors / Clients, as defined by applicable local laws and regulation. Circulation must be restricted accordingly.

    This promotional communication does not constitute on the part of AXA Investment Managers a solicitation or investment, legal or tax advice. This material does not contain sufficient information to support an investment decision.

    Before making an investment, investors should read the relevant Prospectus and the Key Investor Information Document / scheme documents, which provide full product details including investment charges and risks. The information contained herein is not a substitute for those documents or for professional external advice.

    The products or strategies discussed in this document may not be registered nor available in your jurisdiction. Please check the countries of registration with the asset manager, or on the web site https://www.axa-im.com/en/registration-map, where a fund registration map is available. In particular units of the funds may not be offered, sold or delivered to U.S. Persons within the meaning of Regulation S of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933. The tax treatment relating to the holding, acquisition or disposal of shares or units in the fund depends on each investor’s tax status or treatment and may be subject to change. Any potential investor is strongly encouraged to seek advice from its own tax advisors.

    AXA Framlington Global Technology is a sub-fund of AXA World Funds. AXA WORLD FUNDS ‘s registered office is 49, avenue J.F Kennedy L-1885 Luxembourg. The Company is registered under the number B. 63.116 at the “Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés” The Company is a Luxembourg SICAV UCITS IV approved by the CSSF and managed by AXA Funds Management, a société anonyme organized under the laws of Luxembourg with the Luxembourg Register Number B 32 223RC, and whose registered office is located at 49, Avenue J.F. Kennedy L-1885 Luxembourg.

    Past performance is not a guide to current or future performance, and any performance or return data displayed does not take into account commissions and costs incurred when issuing or redeeming units. References to league tables and awards are not an indicator of future performance or places in league tables or awards and should not be construed as an endorsement of any AXA IM company or their products or services. Please refer to the websites of the sponsors/issuers for information regarding the criteria on which the awards/ratings are based. The value of investments, and the income from them, can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Exchange-rate fluctuations may also affect the value of their investment.  Due to this and the initial charge that is usually made, an investment is not usually suitable as a short term holding.

    Risk Warning

    The value of investments, and the income from them, can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.