Warning: members of the public are being contacted by people claiming to work for AXA Investment Managers UK Limited.  Find out more information and what to do by clicking here.

Protect Yourself From Fraud

Read our tips to help you keep your personal data safe

Are you suspicious about a communication from AXA IM?

Fraudsters often contact clients and members of the public to get personal information they can use to defraud you. They can use all sorts of ways to contact you, including cold calls, email, social media messages, and post. This list is not exhaustive – as new ways of keeping in touch are introduced, fraudsters are never far behind in finding ways to exploit them.

We are working hard to keep you up to date with the many different types of fraud that can affect you and highlighting ways you can protect yourself. AXA IM does not make unsolicited calls, WhatsApp messages, social media messages, or emails to their clients or members of the general public. If you receive a message that says it is from us through one of these routes, then you should be suspicious.

New fraud - Foncière Cronos

A company using the fraudulent name of Foncière Cronos and claiming to be a subsidiary of AXA group and managed by employees of AXA Investment Managers, claims to offer financial services or investment solutions in particular in solar charging stations. This entity addresses the general public via various communication platforms.

This is a fraud as Foncière Cronos, managed by AXA IM is not open to general public.  This company should in no way be associated with or part of the AXA Group or AXA Investment Managers which does not offer this type of direct investment solution to investors.

Impersonation Fraud / AXA Fixed Term Savings Bond – Investment Guide

September 2023

AXA IM would like to warn the public and our clients of impersonation fraud and fraudulent use of its name.

Unsolicited calls are being made by fraudsters to members of the public by individuals impersonating employees of AXA Investment Managers, specifically Jared Cook on behalf of AXA Investment Managers Ireland. This is a fraud and cease any communications with them. The unsolicited calls are then followed up with an email containing a fraudulent document “AXA Fixed Term Savings Bond – Investment Guide” by way of attachment to the email.

Fraudulent Details as at 12th October 2023 (Note: Fraudsters regularly change these details):

Email Addresses:

Telephone Numbers:

  • 01 568 67 35 
  • 01 568 67 52
  • 015686918;
  • 01 568 6912; and
  • 01 568 6935.

The above details are not associated with AXA IM in any way. If you have been the recipient of a fraudulent request or communication, we strongly advise you to ignore the emails, social media and/or internet links.

If you are in the UK and are impacted by fraud, please contact Action Fraud (https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/) immediately or your nearest police station. You should also notify your bank if you have sent any funds to fraudsters. Please forward any suspicious emails to lonfinancialcrimeteam@axa-im.com.

Impersonation Fraud / AXA Sustainable 8.6% Fixed Rate Bond

September 2023

AXA IM would like to warn the public and our clients of impersonation fraud and fraudulent use of its name.

Unsolicited emails are circulating in the public domain impersonating AXA. The fraudulent emails contain illegitimate information on “AXA Sustainable 8.6% Fixed Rate Bond” which also includes a link to request a brochure.

Fraudulent Details as of 26th September 2023 (Note: Fraudsters regularly change these details):

  • knowyoucan.co.uk@mail331.bms6.bmsend.com
  • knowyoucan.co.uk@mail332.bms6.bmsend.com
  • mail@knowyoucan.co.uk

The above details are not associated with any AXA entity including AXA Investment Managers in any way. If you have been the recipient of a fraudulent request or communication, we strongly advise you to ignore the emails, social media and/or internet links.

If you are in the UK and are impacted by fraud, please contact Action Fraud (https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/) immediately or your nearest police station. You should also notify your bank if you have sent any funds to fraudsters.

Please forward any suspicious emails to lonfinancialcrimeteam@axa-im.com.

Fraudulent Domain Names

Here is a list of fraudulent domain names that have been created by fraudsters as a way to trick people into providing personal information. Again, this list is not exhaustive and fraudsters are always creating new domain names. If you’re not sure, then please contact us or check the Financial Conduct Authority’s ScamSmart Tool.

  • axa-investment.trade/finance
  • foncière-cronos-immo.com
  • ugici-gestion.com 
  • Vendome-logistique.com
  • axa-europe-patrimoine.com
  • info@axaimclients.com
  • mail@noyoucan.co.uk
  • axaim-ireland.com
  • knowyoucan.co.uk
  • mail@knowyoucan.co.uk
  • axa-real-estate.com
  • malingaxabelgium.com
  • agipopci.online
  • aim-connect.net
  • aml-axa.com
  • assur-axbeim.com
  • axabankeececservice@execs.com
  • axacoins.com
  • axa-fixedincome.com
  • axa-im.info     
  • axa-imarket.com
  • axaimarketfx.com
  • axaim-freemarket.co
  • axaim-freemarket.com
  • axa-gestion.com
  • axaim-gslimited.net
  • axaimltd.com
  • axaim-tech.com
  • AxaInvestInc@protonmail.com
  • axa-investment.fr
  • axa-lifeurope.com
  • axanewenquiry.com
  • axa-newenquiry.com
  • axaonlineplatform.com
  • axa-partners.fr
  • axaservices.com
  • axa-society.com
  • axatechview.com
  • axatechviewou.com
  • axa-techviewou.com
  • axatechviewou-ltd.com
  • a-investmentmanagers.com
  • bc-opportunityfund.com
  • client-axa.com
  • clientaxaservices.com
  • clientsaxa.com
  • clients-axa.com
  • clients-axa.net
  • clientservice-axa.com
  • connect-aim.com
  • doc-axa.com
  • docsaxaservices.com
  • document-axa.com
  • documents-axa.com
  • documents-axa.com
  • enquiries-axa.com
  • europarc-inv.com
  • europarc-invest.com
  • https://monaccesaxa.com/login.php
  • holding-beaujon.com
  • holding-vendome.fr
  • holdingvendome3.fr
  • imaxaltd.com
  • imaxaltd.net
  • imaxa-belgium.com
  • info@axdubireland.com
  • onlineaxaportal.com
  • private-axa.com
  • private-axa.net
  • privateretail-axa.com
  • retailaxaservices.com
  • sustainableaxa.com
  • techviewou-axa.com
We're are helping you to stay safe

Find out more about the fraudsters pretending to be AXA IM

Find out about the latest fraud attempts that have been reported to AXA IM.


Find out more about the common frauds

The most common frauds involve members of the public being contacted by individuals claiming to work for AXA Investment Managers or other investment companies.

Fraud red flags

Here is a list of common tactics used by fraudsters. Keep these in mind if you’re contacted someone claiming to be from AXA IM.

  • Fraudsters will often use an incorrect AXA company name – we are AXA Investment Managers Ltd
  • Check that the Financial Conduct Authority registration number matches ours – 01431068
  • Email addresses/web domains used will be a variation of AXA IM’s genuine details
  • Fraudsters will make use of AXA IM logos and sometimes use the names of people employed by AXA IM as a way to gain your trust – don’t let these reassure you if you are in doubt
  • Fraudsters will ask for passwords and pins to ‘verify your account’ – legitimate investment managers will never ask for these outside of a secure process
  • Fraudsters often use offshore bank accounts when asking for money – legitimate investment managers will not provide you with bank account details in offshore jurisdictions and or ask you to transfer funds to such accounts

What You Can Do

Some steps you can take to protect yourself and keep your personal data safe:

  • Protect your information - do not send personal/confidential information via email, on the phone or over the internet unless you know the recipient and know the process is protected through encryption.
  • Delete all suspicious emails without opening them. Be particularly careful when opening attachments to emails.
  • Contact and verify confirm the company’s address and telephone number. Check the company’s website or through local regulatory authorities.
  • Regulatory registration – contact the relevant local regulatory authority to confirm the company’s registration. In the UK, this is the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
  • Shred old statements, receipts, letters and similar documents containing personal information which are no longer required.
  • Keep financial documents and records in a safe place at home.

This list is not exhaustive. You should take all necessary precautions to avoid being a victim of fraud.

We encourage any member of the public who receives any communication – by telephone, email, post or any other medium – in relation to any fraudulent investment scheme purporting to be from AXA IM to contact us immediately on lonfinancialcrimeteam@axa-im.com.

You should also report fraud attempts to your local regulator or nearest police station.

AXA Investment Managers is committed to safeguarding all confidential information about our clients. For any further assistance, please contact us.


Report a Scam

Contact us to report a scam

If you are concerned about any potential fraud in connection with AXA Investment Managers, please contact us directly using the below mentioned details; report to the FCA, Action Fraud or nearest police station.

Contact us


    This marketing communication does not constitute on the part of AXA Investment Managers a solicitation or investment, legal or tax advice. This material does not contain sufficient information to support an investment decision.

    Issued in the UK by AXA Investment Managers UK Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK. Registered in England and Wales No: 01431068. Registered Office: 22 Bishopsgate London EC2N 4BQ

    In other jurisdictions, this document is issued by AXA Investment Managers SA’s affiliates in those countries.

    Risk Warning

    The value of investments, and the income from them, can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.