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Boutaina Deixonne

Head of Euro IG and HY Credit

Boutaïna is the Head of Euro Investment Grade & High Yield Credit team. Since 2009, she has been managing several large institutional accounts and open-ended funds including AXA WF Euro Credit Short Duration and AXA WF Euro Credit Plus. As a Portfolio Manager Analyst, she provides relative value coverage for the automotive, telecoms and real estate sectors. 

Boutaïna initially joined AXA IM as a Credit Analyst in 2003, covering the telecom and media sectors in both investment grade and high yield areas for six years. 

Prior to AXA IM, she spent a year working at Société Générale – CIB, on the credit research team covering insurance and financial institutions. Preceding that, she spent a year at CDC IXIS Capital Markets in the credit research team, covering the consumer and industrials sectors.

Boutaïna holds a Master’s degree and a Bachelor’s degree in Finance from the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris. She is also a CFA charterholder. 

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    Risk Warning

    The value of investments, and the income from them, can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.