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AXA IM appoints Olivier Paquier as Global Head of ETF Sales

  • AXA IM reinforces its ETF distribution value chain with the appointment of Olivier Paquier as Global Head of ETF Sales.
  • AXA IM global ETF platform is now centred around three pillars within AXA IM to accelerate the growth of its global ETF business.
  • AXA IM ETF platform hits €1 billion1 in assets under management.

Following the launch of its ETF platform last September2 , AXA IM continues its journey to build a significant ETF business and grow its footprint on this market.

Olivier Paquier is appointed Global Head of ETF Sales, effective immediately. Olivier has extensive experience in ETF sales from State Street as Head of SPDR ETF distribution in France, Monaco, Spain and Portugal, and then within J.P. Morgan Asset Management where he built their successful active ETF business in EMEA3 . In his missions within AXA IM, he will be supported by an ETF business manager and 9 salespeople worldwide who will extend their expertise of selling the AXA IM product range with ETF instruments. Olivier reports to Nicolas-Louis Guille-Biel, Global Head of ETF & Product strategy.

The AXA IM ETF platform is now centred around three pillars:

  1. Products and Capital Markets, with a dedicated product developer and two Capital Markets officers.
  2. Investment and Research insights, with ETF portfolio managers getting insights from AXA IM’s Core investment teams.
  3. Sales and marketing, with Olivier as new Global Head of ETF Sales, an ETF business manager, a dedicated marketing manager as well as 9 identified salespeople with a global reach.

Commenting on the arrival of Olivier Paquier and the growing ETF platform, Hans Stoter, Global Head of AXA IM Core, said: “We have adopted an entrepreneurial spirit to develop our ETF platform and deliver the project in-house, leveraging our internal capabilities with people from different teams, as well as additional skills with external recruitments to continuously strengthen our ETF community. We have now reinforced our ETF distribution value chain and are delighted to welcome Olivier, one of the most recognised ETF professionals in the industry.

“After the launch of three vehicles in 2022, reaching today €1 billion of asset under management all together, we are now ready to accelerate and further expand this platform in the coming months and launch new ETFs to enlarge our range, having the strong ambition to becoming a leading active ETF player in Europe.”

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