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Investment Institute
Fixed Income

High yield continues to rebound since the lows of Covid

Market Update

To be sure, the month’s economic data remained deeply rooted in negative territory when viewed on a year-over-year basis. Then again, some of the month-over-month changes from April to May produced some spectacular turnarounds, as the country began the process of emerging from the stay-at-home directives. In fact, it was not uncommon for the descriptive narrative accompanying the release to include the word, record. Gains were reported in employment, manufacturing, construction, and the all-important category of goods and services consumption. That said, the improvements, though welcomed, still left total economic activity well below the economy’s potential and far short of year-end 2019. The ICE B of A Merrill Lynch U.S. High Yield Index posted a positive total return of +0.98% in June, the third consecutive positive monthly return. The high yield recovery slowed in June as investors weighed the prospects of a V-shaped economic recovery with increasing Covid-19 infection rates across the county. The high yield market saw continued strong positive inflows for June of approximately +$9.7 billion. High yield new-issue activity increased dramatically during June, registering the most active month for new-issue on record. In total, 90 bonds priced totaling $61.5 billion, as compared to $47.3 billion priced in May. There were 9 high yield bond defaults in June totaling $16.25 billion (Valaris was $5.67 billion), and 4 distressed exchanges. The par-weighted default rate increased to 6.19% at the end of June, up from 4.85% last month.

During June, U.S. High Yield underperformed U.S. Equities (S&P 500 +1.99%) and U.S. Corporates (+2.02%), but outperformed U.S. Treasuries (+0.11%). Within U.S. High Yield, BB-rated credits (+1.03%) outperformed single B-rated credits (+0.11%) but underperformed triple C and lower-rated issues (+3.14%). From a sector perspective, 14 of the 18 sectors in the index posted positive monthly returns. The best performing sectors were Real Estate (+3.26%), Automotive (+2.98%), and Energy (+2.60%). On a relative basis, the worst performing sectors were Utility (-0.88%), Healthcare (-0.84%), and Leisure (-0.64%). The High Yield Index’s Option Adjusted Spread was 644 basis points at the end of June, 10 basis points tighter for the month. The High Yield Index’s yield-to-worst ended the month at 6.85%, which is a decrease of 8 basis points from the start of the month (6.93%). Finally, the High Yield Index’s average price was $94.78 at month end, $0.85 higher than the $93.93 average price at the start of the month.

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