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Investment Institute

AXA WF ACT Biodiversity: Impact report 2022

Executive Summary

In this inaugural annual impact report for AXA WF ACT Biodiversity, we aim to illustrate the positive contribution of the companies we invested in across our four biodiversity impact themes; Land & Animal Preservation, Water Ecosystem, Sustainable Materials and Recycling & Recirculation.

For each company held in the portfolio as of 31 December 2022, we have provided a brief explanation of the impact we believe that company has had on the relevant biodiversity theme, and we intend to track the progress of each company’s impact in our future annual impact reports. In addition, for each of the fourteen sub-themes which underpin our four overarching biodiversity themes, we have provided a company case study, intended to add additional context on the issues we are aiming to tackle through our investments, as well as explain how each company is addressing the issue at hand through their products and services. The structure we have used in these case studies was designed around the concept of the theory of change, which we have adopted based on our experience of working with the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN).

We have also provided a theory of change at the overall strategy level, and aggregated data from the companies we invest in to provide overall portfolio-level key performance indicators. The portfolio’s contribution towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals is also provided, and is based on the underlying contribution of each company’s products and services.

We hope this report provides valuable insight into how the companies we are investing in are contributing to the goal of having a positive impact on biodiversity. We are fully committed to enhancing this report over the coming years and increasing visibility of the contribution of our strategy and underlying investments.

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There is an economic and human cost to biodiversity loss which is being addressed through products and services contributing to ecosystem preservation and biodiversity mitigation.

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