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Investment Institute

Understanding the fiscal drivers of French sovereign bond yields

This paper presents a technical analysis on the relationship between fiscal deficits and bond yields in France. It is intended for an audience with an interest in macroeconomic research and fixed-income markets. This document also contains econometric analysis that support the reliability of our conclusions, although these sections are not mandatory for deriving the primary takeaways and investment implications.


We examine the main drivers of French sovereign 10-year bond (OATs) yields, focusing on the impact of fiscal deficits
We find a ‘basic’ linear relationship leading to a 17-bp rise in yield for each 1 point of GDP increase in the deficit
But we also highlight non-linearities in how bond yields respond to deficit, as well as evidence of a particularly detrimental effect of fiscal surprises (when the actual deficit significantly deviates from the initial budget forecasts)
France has displayed signs of benefiting from ‘privileged’ market perceptions in periods of fiscal stress, when compared with other Eurozone national bond markets. But such enduring privilege cannot be taken for granted


Since the emergence of political uncertainty around July 2024’s snap parliamentary elections, the risk premium on the French bond market – reflected in the 10y spread relative to Germany – has unsurprisingly increased. Most recently, the government’s success in passing a 2025 budget bill has triggered some narrowing of the spread, though it remains above its pre-election level. In this paper, we aim to look beyond the political ‘noise’ to provide a fundamental, macroeconomically grounded evaluation of the French 10-year OAT fair value against a background of a deteriorating fiscal outlook.

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