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PMI Webinar: Investing for people and our planet

Hear Tracey Milner and Sian Long discuss the key forces driving the development of a biodiversity transition, along with some practical examples.

Harnessing Impact for positive member outcomes

Trustees are increasingly integrating impactful sustainability principles into their schemes’ investment beliefs and goals to build more resilient portfolios. As with climate change, biodiversity loss has come to the fore as a systemic risk that needs to be managed to help ensure that we have a planet worth living in for future generations. There are many forces driving the development of a biodiversity transition, including targets and regulation such as the Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures. 

Tracey and Sian discuss these drivers along with some practical considerations when implementing such strategies, including:

  • How trustees can seek to deliver real, positive impact for society and the environment while meeting their scheme’s strategic financial objectives
  • How schemes of different types and sizes can access long-term, structural growth opportunities and build more resilient portfolios
  • An impact assessment framework to provide schemes the ability to align portfolio to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 
  • The importance of engaging with companies and a consistent and measurable impact framework by which to analyse them to drive change for members
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New nature-related policies and regulation being developed will drive new investment opportunities as corporates commit to biodiversity positive business models.

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Our biodiversity strategy

The objective of the strategy is to achieve long-term capital growth by investing in listed companies whose activities are effectively preserving life on land, water and air through providing sustainable alternative products and services which are protecting and supporting ecosystem preservation.

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    The ESG data used in the investment process are based on ESG methodologies which rely in part on third party data, and in some cases are internally developed. They are subjective and may change over time. Despite several initiatives, the lack of harmonised definitions can make ESG criteria heterogeneous. As such, the different investment strategies that use ESG criteria and ESG reporting are difficult to compare with each other. Strategies that incorporate ESG criteria and those that incorporate sustainable development criteria may use ESG data that appear similar but which should be distinguished because their calculation method may be different. 

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