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IPE Focus on Biodiversity 2023

The seminar will focus at first on data and disclosure with regard to biodiversity, as this practical area will be one where investors are likely to have the most questions.

The overall programme is designed to shine a light on biodiversity from the ground up, demonstrating the how, why and where for investors. 

In this seminar, AXA IM's Liudmila Strakodonskaya, ESG Analyst, will join the panel at 11:05-11:50am which will focus on Data and disclosure for biodiversity-focused investment

  • The first hurdle for investors looking to incorporate biodiversity objectives into portfolios is accessing data that is accurate, relevant and reliable.  
  • The EU’s coming Due Diligence Directive and Single Access Point are two initiatives designed to standardise asset owners’ data acquisition and improve disclosure by investee companies.
  • How are the regulatory and supervisory angles around biodiversity being put into play?

view the full programme

About Liudmila Strakodonskaya

Liudmila joined AXA IM in 2021 as an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Analyst on our Core Investments platform. With a focus on the Green, Social and Sustainability Bond market, she also specialises in research and investment issues relating to Biodiversity.

Liudmila leads our biodiversity engagement programme, and works on a number of industry leading investor initiatives where she advocates for collective action to drive progress in addressing this global challenge. Since its launch in 2021, she has chaired Finance for Biodiversity’s collaborative impact assessment working group, which focuses on biodiversity measurement approaches, best practices, and lessons learned.

Liudmila began her finance career in 2016, working as a sustainable investment analyst for EthiFinance specialising in ESG, climate-related analysis and reporting. She then joined Eleva Capital as an ESG/SRI specialist in 2019 where she developed an ESG strategy for the company and represented them to the UN PRI.

Liudmila holds a PhD in Economics from Paris II Panthéon-Assas University.

Responsible Investing


There is an economic and human cost to biodiversity loss which is being addressed through products and services contributing to ecosystem preservation and biodiversity mitigation.

Learn more


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