Buy and Maintain Credit Webinar: Through the gilts crisis and beyond
Helping clients with trading amid turbulent times and looking to the future.
The past few months have been a tumultuous period which has reminded us that liquidity should be a cornerstone of investment strategy. These times have been a useful test of credit portfolio resilience and a timely reminder of how robust trading capabilities, particularly during a period of market stress, are a critical element of successful fixed income management. We also believe this market event underscores the potential increased importance for credit in helping UK DB schemes meet their longer-term objectives.

Buy and Maintain Credit
Buy & Maintain credit is our core flagship fixed income strategy with fully-integrated ESG factor analysis, helping our clients access the investment grade credit markets.
Find out moreRisk Warning
The value of investments, and the income from them, can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.