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Pension Fund Outlook 2024 Webinar

Pension Fund Outlook 2024: Mining for opportunities amid easing growth

Global economic growth is expected to ease in 2024, creating fresh challenges for pension fund investors. Some pick-up is expected in 2025, but risks around inflation stickiness and geopolitical tensions persist, meaning schemes will continue to navigate an uncertain environment.

Two questions are likely to be on investors’ minds as we enter 2024 – can bonds shake off their losing streak and can equities maintain their momentum? We believe they both can. However, the prospect of better performance for bonds relative to equities is greater than in recent years. 

Register now and join your peers as we discuss how pension schemes can best navigate the economic environment in 2024 and examine what the opportunities for pension schemes could be over the coming year.


Outlook 2024

Pensions investment outlook 2024: Mining for opportunities amid easing growth

Martin Sanders provides his outlook for pension fund investing in 2024

Read the article


David Page - Head of Macroeconomic Research

Anna Vaananen - Head of Listed Impact Equity

Nicolas Trindade - Senior Portfolio Manager Fixed Income

Rachel Bussell - Global Head of Pensions Group


Outlook 2024

Mid-cycle adjustment, not end-cycle crash

Discover our 2024 Outlook


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    The value of investments, and the income from them, can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.